Saturday, February 10, 2007

I'm just a Love Masheen!!!

This lovely pink satin robe feechers foe-fur trim and a cumfy terry lining. Notiss that yoo can see my chest hares, too!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


First of all, in the upper right corner of yer skreen, klik the "Sign In" link. It will take yoo to this skreen ...

KLIK THE NEW BLOGGER LINK. It will take yoo to the New Blogger Sign In skreen:

Enter the Username (hint: it's an emale adress) and passwerd that was posted on the Glamour Cats Message Bord on Catster. This will take yoo to the Dashbord:

KLIK THE New Post LINK. That will take yoo to this skreen:

1) Enter a title, 2) uplode yer foto(s), 3) enter and format text, 4) enter yer name in the labels feeld, and 5) klik to publish win yer dun!

That's all thare is to it!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Heer's a test post.

Heer's a test post.